Grade 6 Ministry Exam Questions and Answers

Ethiopia Grade 6 Ministry Exam Questions and Answers [PDF]. The Grade 6 Ministry exam tests students on various subjects, including Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

The exam assesses a student’s understanding and grasp of fundamental concepts taught throughout the academic year. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the questions students might encounter and the answers to help guide their preparation.

Grade 6 Ministry Exam Questions and Answers

The Grade 6 Ministry Exam, often a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey, is a comprehensive assessment that encapsulates the knowledge and skills acquired at the primary school level. This exam typically covers various subjects, including Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts, to ensure students have a solid foundation before transitioning to higher education. Here, we delve into typical questions and provide strategic answers to help students prepare effectively.

 Mathematics Questions Answers 

Question: If the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 44, what are those numbers?

Answer: Let the smaller number be xx. Then, the next consecutive odd number is x+2x + 2. According to the problem, x+(x+2)=44x + (x + 2) = 44 2x+2=442x + 2 = 44 2x=422x = 42 x=21x = 21 Thus, the two numbers are 21 and 23.

Strategy: Set up an equation where xx represents the smaller number. Since the numbers are consecutive odd numbers, they differ by 2.

 General Science Questions Answers 

Question: What are the three states of matter, and give an example of each?


  1. Solid: Has a definite shape and volume. Example: Ice.
  2. Liquid: Has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. Example: Water.
  3. Gas has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume and expands to fill its container. An example is air.

 Social Studies Questions Answers 

Question: What are the three branches of government, and what are their primary responsibilities?

Answer: The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.

  • Legislative Branch: Composed primarily of the parliament or congress responsible for making laws.
  • Executive Branch: Headed by the President or Prime Minister, responsible for enforcing laws.
  • Judicial Branch: Consists of the courts, with the Supreme Court being the highest, responsible for interpreting laws and ensuring they adhere to the Constitution.

Strategy: Briefly define each branch and summarize its fundamental duties.

 Citizenship Questions Answers 

Question: What are some of the responsibilities of a citizen in a democratic society?


  1. Voting: Participate in elections to choose representatives and influence government decisions.
  2. Following Laws: Abide by the laws and regulations of the country.
  3. Paying Taxes: Contribute to public services and infrastructure through taxes.
  4. Respecting Rights: Respect the rights and freedoms of others.
  5. Participating in Community: Engage in community activities and support local initiatives.

Strategy: Understand the fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy. Please familiarize yourself with civic duties and how they contribute to society’s well-being.

 Social Science Questions Answers 

Question: Name the world’s continents and describe one characteristic of each.


  1. Africa: Known for its diverse cultures and languages.
  2. Asia: The largest continent by both area and population.
  3. Europe: Famous for its historical significance and cultural heritage.
  4. North America: Includes a variety of climates and landscapes, including the Arctic and tropical regions.
  5. South America: Home to the Amazon Rainforest, the largest tropical rainforest in the world.
  6. Australia: The smallest continent and known for its unique wildlife.
  7. Antarctica: The coldest continent, covered by ice.

Strategy: Learn about each continent’s key characteristics, geography, and significant landmarks. Study maps and global features to enhance your geographical knowledge.

 Amharic Questions Answers 

Question: Translate the following sentence into English: “እባኮትን ወደ እባብ ተመልሰው እንደ እባብ ይኑራሉ።”

Answer: “Please return to the snake and act like a snake.”

Preparing for the Exam

Success in the Grade 6 Ministry Exam demands a combination of knowledge, comprehension, and test-taking strategies:

  1. Review key concepts in each subject area thoroughly.
  2. Practice past papers to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions.
  3. Develop time management skills to complete all sections within the allotted time.

By understanding the nature of the questions and mastering the content across various subjects, students can approach the Grade 6 Ministry Exam with confidence and the skills necessary to succeed.