GAT Exam Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions Answers

The National Graduate Admission Test (NGAT) Ethiopia GAT Exam Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions Answers PDF. The Verbal Reasoning section of the GAT mainly includes Reading Comprehension, Sentence Completion, Vocabulary, and Sentence Equivalence questions.

GAT Exam Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions Answers

In the real test, there will be 60 Questions from the Verbal Reasoning section. Here are some sample questions for each type; this will help your National Graduate Admission Test better.

 Reading Comprehension 

Question 1: Read the following passage and answer the question.

“Climate change is a pressing global issue that affects weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems. Mitigating its impact requires international cooperation and significant changes in energy consumption.”

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A) Climate change is a minor issue.
  • B) Weather patterns are not affected by climate change.
  • C) International cooperation is necessary to mitigate climate change.
  • D) Energy consumption does not need to change.

Answer: C) International cooperation is necessary to mitigate climate change.

Question 2: Read the following passage and answer the question.

“The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed various industries. Automation and artificial intelligence are leading this transformation, making processes more efficient and reducing the need for human intervention.”

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a result of technological advancement?

  • A) Increased efficiency
  • B) Reduced need for human intervention
  • C) Creation of new jobs
  • D) Transformation of industries

Answer: C) Creation of new jobs

Question 3: Read the following passage and answer the question.

“The ancient city of Machu Picchu, located in Peru, is a marvel of engineering. Built by the Inca civilization, it remains a popular tourist destination and a symbol of the ingenuity of ancient societies.”

What does Machu Picchu symbolize according to the passage?

  • A) Modern engineering
  • B) Ancient societies’ ingenuity
  • C) Tourist attractions
  • D) Peruvian culture

Answer: B) Ancient societies’ ingenuity

 Sentence Completion 

Question 4: Complete the sentence:

The scientist’s hypothesis was proven correct, and the results of the experiment were __________.

  • A) conclusive
  • B) inconclusive
  • C) ambiguous
  • D) refuted

Answer: A) conclusive

Question 5: Complete the sentence:

Despite his initial reluctance, John __________ to join the team after seeing their impressive track record.

  • A) refused
  • B) hesitated
  • C) agreed
  • D) demanded

Answer: C) agreed

Question 6: Complete the sentence:

The __________ of the new policy was evident in the increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

  • A) failure
  • B) success
  • C) ambiguity
  • D) downfall

Answer: B) success

Question 7: Complete the sentence:

She remained __________ throughout the crisis, offering support and guidance to those in need.

  • A) indifferent
  • B) calm
  • C) chaotic
  • D) distressed

Answer: B) calm


Question 8: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The manager’s decision to cut costs was prudent given the company’s financial situation.

  • A) reckless
  • B) cautious
  • C) indifferent
  • D) hasty

Answer: B) cautious

Question 9: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

Her taciturn nature made it difficult to get to know her.

  • A) talkative
  • B) reserved
  • C) friendly
  • D) aggressive

Answer: B) reserved

Question 10: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The ephemeral beauty of the sunset left everyone in awe.

  • A) lasting
  • B) fleeting
  • C) permanent
  • D) ordinary

Answer: B) fleeting

Question 11: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The new policy was implemented to ameliorate working conditions.

  • A) worsen
  • B) maintain
  • C) improve
  • D) neglect

Answer: C) improve

Question 12: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

His prodigious talent in music was apparent from a young age.

  • A) mediocre
  • B) exceptional
  • C) ordinary
  • D) limited

Answer: B) exceptional

Question 13: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The obscure reference in the text puzzled many readers.

  • A) clear
  • B) vague
  • C) obvious
  • D) direct

Answer: B) vague

Question 14: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

She had a propensity for learning languages quickly.

  • A) dislike
  • B) tendency
  • C) aversion
  • D) inability

Answer: B) tendency

Question 15: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The meticulous artist paid attention to every detail in his work.

  • A) careless
  • B) thorough
  • C) hasty
  • D) sloppy

Answer: B) thorough

 Sentence Equivalence 

Question 16: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

Despite the CEO’s public display of confidence, her private letters were full of __________ about the company’s future.

  • A) optimism
  • B) ambivalence
  • C) concern
  • D) certainty
  • E) worry
  • F) assurance

Answer: C) concern and E) worry

Question 17: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The project manager’s instructions were __________, leaving no room for confusion.

  • A) ambiguous
  • B) unclear
  • C) explicit
  • D) vague
  • E) specific
  • F) open-ended

Answer: C) explicit and E) specific

Question 18: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The athlete’s dedication to training was __________, leading to her impressive performance in the competition.

  • A) intermittent
  • B) sporadic
  • C) consistent
  • D) irregular
  • E) unwavering
  • F) occasional

Answer: C) consistent and E) unwavering

Question 19: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The professor’s lecture was so __________ that many students struggled to stay awake.

  • A) engaging
  • B) dull
  • C) interesting
  • D) boring
  • E) stimulating
  • F) tedious

Answer: B) dull and D) boring

Question 20: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The committee’s decision was __________, reflecting a thorough consideration of all the options.

  • A) hasty
  • B) rushed
  • C) deliberate
  • D) thoughtful
  • E) impulsive
  • F) careless

Answer: C) deliberate and D) thoughtful

Question 21: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The young artist’s work was __________, displaying a level of skill beyond her years.

  • A) amateurish
  • B) mediocre
  • C) impressive
  • D) ordinary
  • E) remarkable
  • F) unskilled

Answer: C) impressive and E) remarkable

Question 22: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The scientist’s findings were __________, leading to a significant breakthrough in the field.

  • A) inconsequential
  • B) trivial
  • C) groundbreaking
  • D) pioneering
  • E) insignificant
  • F) routine

Answer: C) groundbreaking and D) pioneering

Question 23: Select the two words that best complete the sentence and produce sentences with equivalent meaning.

The politician’s speech was filled with __________, making it difficult to discern his true stance on the issue.

  • A) clarity
  • B) ambiguity
  • C) transparency
  • D) vagueness
  • E) precision
  • F) honesty

Answer: B) ambiguity and D) vagueness

 Additional Sentence Completion 

Question 24: Complete the sentence:

The new policy was introduced to __________ the company’s environmental impact.

  • A) increase
  • B) mitigate
  • C) ignore
  • D) highlight

Answer: B) mitigate

Question 25: Complete the sentence:

She was known for her __________ nature, always willing to lend a helping hand.

  • A) selfish
  • B) benevolent
  • C) indifferent
  • D) hostile

Answer: B) benevolent

Question 26: Complete the sentence:

The __________ debate lasted for hours, with both sides presenting strong arguments.

  • A) lackluster
  • B) lively
  • C) dull
  • D) monotonous

Answer: B) lively

Question 27: Complete the sentence:

His decision to invest in the startup was considered __________ given the high risk involved.

  • A) prudent
  • B) reckless
  • C) cautious
  • D) safe

Answer: B) reckless

 Additional Vocabulary 

Question 28: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The project was completed with remarkable speed and efficiency.

  • A) ordinary
  • B) impressive
  • C) slow
  • D) average

Answer: B) impressive

Question 29: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The consensus among the committee members was to approve the proposal.

  • A) disagreement
  • B) unanimity
  • C) confusion
  • D) conflict

Answer: B) unanimity

Question 30: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word:

The author’s latest book provides a comprehensive overview of the subject.

  • A) incomplete
  • B) detailed
  • C) superficial
  • D) narrow

Answer: B) detailed

See also: