Rwanda National Examination 2025 by NESA (National Examination and School Inspection Authority). Check the latest exam result and exam date. The NESA is responsible for conducting and publishing results ) (Kureba Amanota) for students with P6, S3, S6 (GE) TVET, and TTC levels.
Rwanda National Examination 2025
“National examination” is a test or an exam taken by students at the end of Primary education, the first and second cycles of secondary education, year three (3) of professional education, and level five (5) of technical and vocational training.
The NESA is responsible for the following national examinations:
- P6 Exam: Primary Leaving National Examination:
- S3 Exam: Lower Secondary School level
- S6 Exam: Advanced Secondary School level
- TTC Exam: Technical and Education and training.
- TVET Exam Technical and Vocational Education and training.
NESA Result 2025 Kureba Amanota
Rwanda National Examination Eligibility
P6 (Primary Leaving): Candidates eligible to sit for Primary Leaving Examination must have attended and completed the primary educational programme as provided for by the national curriculum.
S3 (Lower Secondary): A candidate eligible to sit for the lower secondary National Examination must have successfully completed the primary education cycle and successfully attended and completed educational programmes for lower secondary as provided for by the national curriculum.
During registration, a candidate must provide Primary Leaving Certificate and school reports for secondary one (S 1) and two (S2).
S6 (Advanced Secondary) A candidate eligible to sit for the Advanced Level National Examination, whether in General and Professional education or in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, must have attended and successfully completed the Advanced level of Secondary education. A candidate is required to provide the following documents:
1) Ordinary Level Certificate of Education;
2) School reports of two previous years;
3) proof that a candidate has followed the same combination, trade or option;
4) National Identification card with information aligned with identification details in SDMS.
National Examination Centres
Placement of candidates to examination centres. After candidate registration, NESA in collaboration with District establishes examination centres for both school and private candidates. Neither institution nor candidate shall challenge the established examination centres or placement of candidates made.
Upon justifiable reasons approved by NESA, a candidate may be authorized to change the examination center.
The national examinations are administered in the following phases:
l) The theoretical national examinations for both general and professional education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training;
2) Practical examinations for science combinations in general education, professional education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
National Examination Grading System
The candidates ‘marks‘ are classified in small ranges based on student broad competencies instead of considering individual students’ marks.
The core subjects are graded using a seven (7) point scale expressed in numerical and alphabetical grades, reflecting the candidate’s level of achievement in each subject.
The grading of the subsidiary subject consists of two (2) a point scale expressed in both numerical and alphabetical grades reflecting the candidate’s level of achievement in each subject
The seven (7) point scale of core subjects has the following descriptors depending on the ranges:
Point Scale | Alphabetical Grades | Numerical Value | Percentages |
Excellent | A | 6 | 70% to 100% |
Very good | B | 5 | 65% to 69% |
Good | C | 4 | 60% to 64% |
Satisfactory | D | 3 | 50% to 59% |
Adequate | E | 2 | 40% to 49% |
Fair | S | 1 | 20% to 39% |
Fail | F | 0 | 0% to 9% |
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